
Your Self-Assessment Results:



As someone who received a score of 31-40, you often feel like your life outcomes are not within your control. A lot of chaotic energy pulls you in different directions, and you have difficulty standing your ground in specific areas of life. You can often fall into victim mode and blame others and your circumstances for your outcomes. You are more swayed by your emotions than facts and can get off track from your desired life by not setting boundaries for yourself and others.

You must begin the process of identifying and releasing inherited emotional DNA as it is being expressed through your epigenetics in ways that impact you more greatly.

A blurry photo of a woman looking many different directions


Consider the areas in your life where you are assigning blame to circumstances and other people. It can be difficult, but it’s time to let go of all the reasons you give yourself about why you are not where you want to be in life. Set clear goals and boundaries for yourself and embrace personal responsibility to create a life aligned with your true desires.

With the right tools and resources, these old patterns can be quickly abandoned, allowing you to become all who you are here to be.


Check your inbox for more information about Inherited Patterns, how they show up in your life and strategies to release them. I’ll also share an extra resource in a couple of days.


Plus don’t miss my upcoming Epigenetics Masterclass – an immersive day that teaches my Heal Your Own Epigenetics Method (and time with me!).

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