What are you looking at?
When you are learning to drive a car, you realize very quickly that the car will go exactly where you are looking…
If you are looking straight down the road, the car will go straight down the road.
If you are looking at the ditch, you will end up in the ditch.
We are taught that if we want to avoid an accident, we need to look where we want to go, not at what we are trying to avoid.
This same advice works very well for all areas of your life.
*Always look at where you want to go…not at what you are trying to avoid.
*If you want to get out of debt, look at financial success, not back at your debt.
*If you want to lose 100 pounds, look at your ideal weight, not the weight you are trying to lose.
*If you want to be successful in business, worry about your own business, rather than becoming obsessed about who is more successful than you are.
So, if your life feels off track one of the best questions you can ask yourself is, “what am I looking at?”.
*Am I looking at how hard things are or am I looking at the destination?
*Am I focused on my youth or am I intently looking at all my lines, wrinkles, aches and pains?
*Am I focused on everything that makes me depressed and upset or am I choosing to focus on even the smallest thing to be grateful for?
Yes, asking yourself, “what am I looking at,” is a quick and easy interruption that can help you refocus on the solution you need, not the problem you are encountering.
*It can help you to ignore the distractions and drama and stay focused on your destination.
Use the following affirmations to remind yourself what you need to be focused on so that you are moving away from the ditches of life and staying on a clear path…
I focus on solutions, rather than the problem
I ignore distractions and remain focused
I am focused
I visualize the results I desire
It is easy to get pulled into looking at the distractions, train wrecks, and drama that line the road to success.
Putting your energy into looking at those things takes away from your momentum that you need to keep moving forward.
So don’t be a “rubbernecker”
Keep your eye on your destination
Are you tired of being held back by feelings of rejections, are you ready to feel more CONFIDENT and COURAGEOUS?
Check out my life-changing program: Transforming Fear into Action.