
Clear Emotional Blocks That Keep You From Your Potential, with Lisa Thomas

On this episode, Lisa explains how we are made of energy and that when your energy is blocked, it slows you down physically and emotionally. It is not always a clear pathway, just like how hitting a wall can hurt you. When energy has been stuck in a certain area, it can prevent actual blockages in our daily lives.

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Lisa Thomas – Good Morning LaLa Land

Lisa visits the morning cast of Good Morning La La Land and shares how she discovered she had spiritual gifts and what she’s doing to help people release inherited thoughts and emotions that have been past down in their families for generations.


Unconventional Life Podcast with Jules Schroeder - Episode 221: Lisa Thomas


Ep: 221 Epigenetic’s & Repatterning the Brain with Lisa Thomas

We all are an elaborate tapestry of the inherited DNA of our ancestors. Blue eyes, olive skin, ginger hair; all traits that have come from our forebears. That being said, we don’t typically include over-eating, fear of financial success, anxiety around being noticed in public, or complications with submitting assignments as our inheritance as well.

This week, Unconventional Life spoke with transformational leader, gifted healer, and intuitive coach Lisa Thomas. Lisa was incredibly generous in offering practical tools, affirmations, and meditations for eliminating the invisible blocks that bind us.

Afraid of spiders and don’t know why? Can’t understand why you binge eat in secret?

Lisa works with epigenetics, inherited DNA, and inherited traumas that affect the manner in which people live their lives. She explains these illogical tendencies as based on the life experiences of our ancestors that can show up unannounced in our lives. Carrying these seemingly unexplainable tendencies in our bloodlines, people can unknowingly replay patterns from their family’s past. Lisa explains the deep patterns of scarcity within our society as a genetic hangover from the great depression.

Still dating the same “type” that ends the same way repeatedly? Can’t seem to stop a destructive communication pattern every time you visit your parents? Always get sick the day before you go on holiday?

This is not bad karma. This is not wrongdoing by an ancestor. Lisa explains, “our subconscious knows everything about us and I really believe that the subconscious, which is also called the ego-mind really, gets a bad rap because really the ego is trying to support us”. The subconscious mind attempts to protect us, without knowing truth from life.

Enter Lisa.

Repatterning with the power of words

According to Lisa, every word in the dictionary has a vibration. When we think certain words, our vibration shifts. In this way, words carry a power that translates into our physical experience of the world. The constant berated self-talk can be gruesome. Lisa offered a technique for shifting the internal dialogues.

“There is a power to speaking out loud, by the way, and I’ll tell you why. It activates the neuro pathways in your brain. It gets you out of that subconscious, you have to hear yourself…when you have [a] negative thought, you have to call it out and this is what you say. Cancel, cancel, only love is spoken here. Cancel, cancel only love is spoken here.”

This technique will disrupt the pattern. The brain will stop talking in that way when it realizes it’s not love and, over time new neural pathways will be forged. Our hopes and dreams can manifest when patterns are released from our bloodlines.

Empathic vs. Clairsentient

Conversations around spirit and energy can get muddy when definitions vary. Let’s get on the same page, shall we?


They can often feel overwhelmed by being in large groups of people. They can feel others and often take it on as their own. It could be said that they “carry the life burdens of other people.” For example, an empath can watch the news and identify with what’s going on. It is important to identify when a feeling is yours and when it’s not.

A quick tip: When you’re energy drops, stop and ask yourself, is this mine or someone else’s?


Someone who senses and understands the feelings of others but doesn’t own it. They can see if from the bird’s eye view.

*Note: These two gifts are not mutually exclusive

“To those who are empaths and those who feel that they have spiritual gifts right now, this is your time. And, if you feel like you’re a healer and you want to take a step in that direction, I really want to encourage you to do it.”

Spirit, Purpose & Energy with JJ Flizanes

Transformational Energy Healer, Lisa Thomas, has the privilege of working with talented people from all walks of life. She empowers individuals to reach their full potential, by removing inherited emotional blocks, such as fear of success, fear of failure, anxiety, procrastination, excess weight, fear of public speaking, false money beliefs, relationship drama and business stagnation.

Everyone deserves to be seen, heard and known for who they are. Lisa’s expertise in removing negative energy and inherited patterns empower people to get their gifts, talents, and ideas into the world, more confidently and in alignment with their Soul’s purpose.

Lisa is dedicated to breaking cycles of struggle and negative patterns, drawing on her lifelong access to Source energy and an intense study of various holistic healing methods.

You don’t have to live with those roadblocks any longer. You don’t have to live a life that is less-than. Let Lisa help you clear the path. It is time for you to have the support you need. It is time for you to let go of what is tying you down so that you can be free to live a life you love.

JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcast shows including Fit 2 Love and Spirit, Purpose & Energy.

She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, an Amazon best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life, and author of Knack Absolute Abs: Routines for a Fit and Firm Core.

She was named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine. JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, Elegant Bride, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox 11, the CW and KTLA.

Her newest book, The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame debuted at #2 on the Amazon Best Seller List for Women’s Health and #2 as a Hot New Release


Happy Bones Happy Life - Episode #037: Lisa Thomas - Releasing Fear and Financial Worries podcast cover

Lisa Thomas – Releasing Fear and Financial Worries

“Life is about learning from what we didn’t do right and gaining that wisdom.” – Lisa Thomas

Lisa Thomas is a transformational leader, gifted healer, and intuitive coach. She has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their business and life goals by releasing Inherited Emotional DNA, such as fear of success, fear of failure, anxiety, procrastination, false money beliefs, relationship drama, and business stagnation. 

In today’s episode, Lisa explains what inherited patterns are and how are they showing up right now during this pandemic. Enjoy this interview and get ready to let go of limiting beliefs and feel relaxed.


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Food Heals podcast cover - Episode 254 - The Anxiety Episode Part 2

Overcoming Anxiety & Depression Series Part 2 – Conversations With a Vegan Entrepreneur, a Plant-Based Chef & a DNA Energy Healer

Have you inherited your anxiety from your ancestors?

We all carry energy from our ancestors. It can be great energy, but it can also energy that holds us back. Lisa Thomas is a DNA energy healer. She helps clients clear inherited patterns and release the anxiety tags that keep them from thriving. Lisa had a lot of anxiety and depression because she didn’t own who she was. When we don’t fully accept who we are, it triggers anxiety. Anxiety also shows up when we need to be in control

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Inspired Conversations with Amy Schuber Logo

Inspired Conversations

Lisa shares how she discovered she had spiritual gifts and what she’s doing to help people release inherited thoughts and emotions that have been past down in their families for generations. More specifically, she’s sharing how she helps people see a different way of looking at themselves, their health, and their lifestyle.  She also teaches us how we can embrace our abilities and skills in order to share them with the rest of the world.

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A woman dancing on the shore in front of a sunset

How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Health

Lisa shares how she discovered she had spiritual gifts and what she’s doing to help people release inherited thoughts and emotions that have been past down in their families for generations. More specifically, she’s sharing how she helps people see a different way of looking at themselves, their health, and their lifestyle.  She also teaches us how we can embrace our abilities and skills in order to share them with the rest of the world.

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Food Heals Podcast Episode 215 Cover: Lisa Thomas

Release Inherited Emotional Blocks, Heal Your Money Mindset and Manifest Your Desires

What if your fears, limiting beliefs and negative patterns were not your own, but actually inherited from your ancestors? Could you be holding something in your body that isn’t even yours?

If your ancestors ever had any kind of emotional trauma, such as fear, phobias, depression, anxiety, or abuse, then it’s time you know that these things become subconscious traps that pass their energy through DNA. This gets passed down, generation to generation. Or, for example, Food Heals regular Whitney Lauritsen discovered her limiting beliefs around money came from her grandfather’s living through the Great Depression.

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Hands grabbing handfuls of puzzle pieces

Move from Stuck to Unstuck?

Listen to Lisa as she empowers individuals to reach their full potential, by removing inherited emotional blocks, such as fear of success, fear of failure, anxiety, procrastination, excess weight, fear of public speaking, false money beliefs, relationship drama and business stagnation. Everyone deserves to be seen, heard and known for who they are. Lisa’s expertise in removing negative energy and inherited patterns empowers people to get their gifts, talents and ideas into the world, more confidently and in alignment with their Soul’s purpose.

Lisa Thomas, is a renowned Global Epigenetics Master and the creator of the transformative Soul Awakening Method™ and Inner Empowerment Matrix™. With a focus on unlocking untapped potential, igniting radical growth, and activating global impact, Lisa has dedicated her career to guiding high-achieving individuals beyond the confines of conventional success to achieve profound personal and professional breakthroughs.

As an international mentor and keynote speaker, Lisa’s insights into Epigenetics have revolutionized the approach to personal development and leadership. Her unique methods involve delving deep into inherited emotional DNA, enabling clients—from global business leaders to celebrities and emerging entrepreneurs—to overcome inherited limitations and realign their lives with their true purposes.

Author of the enlightening book “Mistakes Into Money,” Lisa’s influence is recognized globally in the media: She has been featured in USA Today and on Good Morning LaLa Land, amongst others, as well as many podcasts and stages around the world.

Are You Ready to Release What is Holding You Back?

Success is taking an average life and making it extraordinary!


Let me help you release the blocks that are holding you back from achieving the level of success you want in your business.


Let me help you release the blocks that are holding you back from realizing your life’s vision.


Let me help you achieve your life’s purpose while growing your healing business.