Prosperity Is Seeking You…Let It Arrive Today!
As you head into this fresh week, I want you to send out an invitation.
An invitation to Prosperity.
Visualize in your mind that you’re writing out a beautiful note, inviting abundance and wealth to your life like a treasured friend.
Because it’s waiting for you to speak to it with gratitude, love and appreciation. Unfortunately when you attempt to speak to it with inspired intention…Other defeating voices can drown out your words.
And it’s not your fault.
So first and foremost, I ask that you give yourself permission to release those inherited beliefs of scarcity.
They no longer serve your expansion…And they never did.
So in today’s blog post, I simply wanted to pour a variety of high vibration quotes into you. That way you can begin to transform your false beliefs related to money and invite more prosperity to your life.
For once you’re able to unleash the unconscious feelings of lack that may have plagued you for years…
You’ll be shocked at what arrives at your doorstep right on time.
I absolutely love this quote because of 2 key words…Drench and Ease.
For when I hear the word “drench” I visualize your soul being soaked to its very core with visions of wealth. Letting it permeate every cell within my body.
And then the word “ease.”
A word that breaks the previous shackles of your mind that in order to be abundant, you must be hustling, grinding and working yourself to the bone.
Let yourself be free of that false belief. Prosperity is free to flow to you.
Such a simple phrase, yet bursting with so much divine power.
For it reminds you that if you are carrying inherited false beliefs of poverty in one area of your life, then you are unconsciously blocking prosperity in other areas of your life.
So if you feel a sense of lack with your body and health, it can create a lack of certainty and confidence in your career. And that low vibration within you can sidetrack your ability to receive that raise or much deserved bonus.
Realize that if you can clear the pathways of poverty in one area of your being, you invite prosperity to create an overflow throughout your soul.
As we head into this final section of today’s post, I wanted to wrap up with a potent quote from the wonderfully unique Abraham Hicks.
What might be a fear about money that you still carry within your subconscious? Is there something in your family history that was passed down to you without your knowledge?
Over the years, I’ve discovered that it’s this inherited fear around the idea of money, wealth and prosperity that kept so many of my clients stuck.
And it was only through the release of that false emotion of fear that they could invite a new feeling with absolute certainty.
That feeling of accepting wealth as a part of their divine existence. Once the feeling was planted, a fresh harvest was revealed.
Speaking of the harvest, my hope is this final image and quote brings a glorious smile to your face…Filling your soul with limitless gratitude.
Are you ready to stop holding your prosperity at bay?
What if you could relax into 3 in-depth meditations that broke down a different energetic block around money?
To allow yourself to be guided through healing activations to release inherited money beliefs…
Learn how to honor money by earning and spending guilt-free…
And to finally get into the flow state that allows you to send out a vibrational invitation that attracts money to you and aligns it with your inner desires!
If you wish, I’m offering my Money Acceleration Series at a very special rate this week. Simply click here now to access it for yourself.
It’s your divine right to start receiving and achieving the wealth you wish for today…
The only question is whether you’re ready to receive it.
I hope you invite it in right now.
Sending you love always,