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Awaken Your Innate Healing Gifts,
Amplify the Magnetic Force of Your Soul’s Mission,
While Learning the Tools to Reprogram Ancestral DNA

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Soul Awakening Method™️ Academy Title page on a cellphone screeen
If you want to…

You will experience the deepest spiritual renewal of your life,
setting you up to be the most powerful leader you can possibly be.

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As you heal, you awaken your deepest level of embodiment–
of your truth, your success, and your leadership.

People typically find me when they’ve done a lot of spiritual and personal development work, and they’re craving more… something deeper. They feel they’re in a transition, something is stagnant and they’re missing a key piece. I’m here to support you to find your purpose, growth, and clarity.

Now is the time to take the development you’ve been cultivating to the next level of mastery. Now is the time for big action. Your leadership is needed now more than ever.

This program gives you a licensed certification with the knowledge and tools to learn how to release inherited emotional DNA. This allows you to bring a new level of support for you and your clients.

All of those gifts inside you, let’s nurture them and bring them to life. All of those years of being spiritually gifted, highly intuitive, and empathetic will be accessed and cultivated for your next stage of growth.

Lisa Thomas in a white suit with one hand on her hip

Who is Lisa?

Lisa Thomas is a renowned Global Epigenetics Master and the creator of the transformative Soul Awakening Method™ and Inner Empowerment Matrix™. With a focus on unlocking untapped potential, igniting radical growth, and activating global impact, Lisa has dedicated her career to guiding high-achieving individuals beyond the confines of conventional success to achieve profound personal and professional breakthroughs.

As an international mentor and keynote speaker, Lisa’s insights into Epigenetics have revolutionized the approach to personal development and leadership. Her unique methods involve delving deep into inherited emotional DNA, enabling clients—from global business leaders to celebrities and emerging entrepreneurs—to overcome inherited limitations and realign their lives with their true purposes.

Author of the enlightening book “Mistakes Into Money,” Lisa’s influence is recognized globally in the media: She has been featured in USA Today and on Good Morning LaLa Land, amongst others, as well as many podcasts and stages around the world.

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Now it’s time to embrace your gifts and shine, and step into the world
in a bigger way to achieve your life mission helping others.

That’s right, the ideal candidate for this certification program is ready to step into life’s purpose. Is ready to embrace advanced expertise in the healing field and serve their clients at a master’s level.

Many clients of mine have revealed the burden of working jobs that leave them unfulfilled and the pattern of not being recognized for their gifts and talents, while constantly giving and never receiving back. They finally did what you now have the opportunity to do – master the principles of the SOUL AWAKENING METHOD™ and create a fulfilling business that feeds their soul.

Everyday people, just like you, looking to make an impact on the world!

What Others Are Saying...

Soul Awakening Method™️ Academy Title page on a laptop computer screen

Training in and Licensing of the
to become a

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We provide you with the education and training you need to hone your skills and get certified in our method in the areas of wellness, as well as spiritual, emotional and energy healing.

Easily release Inherited Emotional DNA – heal and release tangled, trapped, and damaged energy and inherited patterns from your soul AND others.’ You’ll get all the steps and secrets for personal healing AND you’ll get all the tools you need to help paying clients too!

Uncover your truest life purpose, gain the confidence to activate it and create a simple action plan to fully step into and manifest this unique purpose.

Swipe-and-deploy my Soul Awakening Method™ to become a certified soul-healer – You’ll get my top-to-bottom, simple system used to work with clients, go deep, and release-and-heal them. This system is so powerful and transformational for clients – it’s the reason I stay booked up for weeks with eager, high-paying-clients. Now it’s all yours!

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The 2 Core Levels to Take You From Experienced Healer To Master Soul-Healer

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Level One
Foundation to Transformation

Learn about DNA coding and how to release ‘informational tags’ within the epigenetics using a proven proprietary Healing Method. You’ll retrain and reprogram the brain to recognize positive thoughts as a new way of thinking permanently. Release inherited emotional DNA, negative energy and barriers to uncover your truest life purpose and gain the confidence needed to create a meaningful life without unconscious burdens.

In This Life-Changing, Powerful Program You’ll Learn…

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You’ll retrain and help program the brain to recognize positive thoughts as a new way of thinking permanently. Learn how to easily release inherited emotional DNA to uncover your truest life purpose and gain the confidence needed to create a meaningful life.
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We’ll get right into the Soul Awakening Method™ here, and you’ll learn to locate precisely what negative emotional energy is at the root of an issue, and when this block became trapped.


You will master four critical skills to Energy Healing, including my own personal muscle testing technique (not taught anywhere else!). These skills will equip you with powerful healing abilities as you traverse your Epigenetics journey.
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You’ll learn to recognize and appreciate what it means to be truly Empathic. As well as the Superpower and Kryptonite behind this powerful, wonderful gift, I’ll share my own personal technique to protect yourself from negative energies which can affect an empath significantly.
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You’ll learn my exact process and my exact verbiage used in my own successful business to release energetic blocks on a DNA level. You’ll diagnose energetic traps, release them, and replace the void with positive, healing beliefs remotely, as energy has no limits!
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In sessions, your client is wide open; this work goes deep. It’s very important to complete the process and close the session properly. I’ll share every step to ensure you’re closing the circuit, allowing for the highest integration processes and then artfully disconnecting from the person’s energy system.
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You’ll gain masterful insight into the cause of each root issue on the Emotional spectrum. You’ll receive an incredibly valuable resource to support your journey of healing others. You’ll be instructed on new ways these negative emotions can show up in someone’s life, learn to enhance your own intuition and expand your own healing capabilities.
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Energetic Walls are blocks created by the subconscious to protect us from feeling pain or hurt. These can wrap around our heart and organs, making it impossible to let positivity and love in. In this incredibly unique healing class, you’ll learn to release layers and years of negativity strangling out the highest of vibrations.
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You’ll receive masterful insight into the cause of other people energetically connecting with you. You’ll be instructed on how to clear these connections with ease to help facilitate and return the natural flow of life.


Specialized Healings for EACH Module

As you go through each module, you may face your own limiting beliefs and blocks surrounding a topic. In each module, there are specialized healings for you to listen to, so you can clear those blocks as they surface. 


Fear Into Action Series

This is a four-week Activation program to clear fear holding you back from taking action in your life with confidence. You’ll release the vibration of fear in different quadrants of your life.

All you have to do is listen! 


Business Basics

Whether you have a current business or desire to start one, you’ll learn to set up a Healing business properly. We’ll walk through powerful and successful tactics I’ve used to create a very successful healing business. You’ll receive resources to support you in your business from the moment a potential client considers your work to new client frameworks to specific recommended software. 


Scan List Definitions

You’ll receive a list of over 400 emotional definitions. This will support you to go deep into EVERY session. You’ll love this!


Monthly Live Group
Q&A Session

Over the next 12 months, we’ll meet Virtually to answer any questions you have about using the Soul Awakening Method, share successes & resources, and navigate obstacles as you learn and build up your confidence. This is one of the most valuable elements, with over 18 hours of high-level mentoring & support.


Private Session with a Certified Soul Awakening Method™️ Practitioner

Receive a complimentary Healing with one of my incredible certified Practitioners. Not only will this session allow you to experience how powerful the Method is on a personal level, it will activate your healing abilities to learn this method, increase your intuition, and heal along the way.


Private Session with a Certified Soul Awakening Method™️ Practitioner

Receive a complimentary Healing with one of my incredible certified Practitioners. Not only will this session allow you to experience how powerful the Method is on a personal level, but it will activate your healing abilities to learn this method, increase your intuition, and heal along the way.

Soul Awakening Method™️
Level One
Foundation to Transformation

Masterclass Special    *Limited Time Offer*


6 payments of $997


1 payment of $5k
Save $1000

Receive your Soul Awakening Method™ Certificate!

Upon completion of the program assignments, you’ll be able to license the Soul Awakening Method™ in your practice. You’ll be a Certified Practitioner – ready & skilled to heal others with a healing business.

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Level Two
Advanced Impact Certification

Become skilled in a transformational technique that releases inherited patterns that get passed down through the lineage and block us unconsciously in all areas of life.  

Go deeper to clear anchored negative beliefs, hidden aspects of your DNA, and energetic cords to stop the pattern of giving your power away. You’ll create the freedom in your life to BE and LIVE the life you were truly meant to. Awaken your soul to lasting transformation.

In This Life-Changing, Powerful Course You’ll Learn…
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You’ll also learn an exclusive process that I’ve created myself, to cut Cords. Cord Cutting severs the negative energetic attachment to create space for new, positive connections. This potent process allows the people involved the ability to rebuild, heal and create deeper emotional connections in their relationships.
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A sabotage can be conscious or unconscious. And these can stop us from moving forward with a particular goal or desire. With a massive resource list of 176 different sabotages, you’ll be able to identify when a saboteur is showing up. You will discover how to clear these sabotages for good and feel confident when doing so.
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Believe it or not – curses do exist! Though maybe not in the way you might think. You’ll gain knowledge to identify curses, both in this lifetime and past life times. You’ll be able to clear them once and for all so that your clients are empowered.
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These are unconscious beliefs that hold us back from attaining our desired goals. Learning how to identify and clear limiting beliefs and replace them with empowered beliefs that align with your client’s soul’s truth.


Learn to make positive self-declarations in the most impactful way. You’ll reach your psyche on a cellular level and affect your patterning to make lasting changes.


I get it. Some of you love the in-person private session. Get my trademarked process to facilitate in person; to experience confidence right from the moment a client walks through your doorway to the moment they leave. 

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We are spiritually ‘bound’ to specific people. These special people show up in our lives over and over, and over in various ways. This fascinating section educates you on how Soul Contracts are made and how to clear them. 

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If you believe in past lives, and even if you don’t – you will most likely get a client who does. Learn to release from past lives and free your clients from the past. 

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Become familiar with the differences between Disembodied Spirits and Entities. Learn how Hollywood gets it right and why they get it wrong! You’ll get access to Lisa’s private scripts and verbiage to support this process. This is a game-changer in transforming a client’s life. 

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Learn about Guardian Angels and how to feel their presence with them in your life. You will discover why spirits stay earthbound, what causes them to connect to people, and what types of human behavior attract these Spirits to them. There are positive and negative Spirits, and you’ll learn to recognize and release them. 


Intuition Power Series

This is a collection of 3 powerful Healings to Activate Intuition on three levels. First we release any inherited blocks and limiting beliefs surrounding your intuition. This allows you to Awaken your Intuitive abilities and allow them to work YOU.  Then we work on Connecting you to your Intuition, which is an important element in your journey to Love, Spirit, and Prosperity. Then you’ll overcome any uncertainty, so you can confidently make decisions and TRUST your own intuition.


Manifesting Tools

This is manifesting on steroids! Most manifesting tactics don’t work due to unconscious negative thoughts that dominate and drown out true Activation. You’ll receive my personal technique to amplify your personal and business manifesting. This process brings incredible things into existence. You’ll come away with the self-confidence and trust that manifesting your highest good awaits you.


Monthly Live Group
Q&A Session

Over the next 12 months, we’ll meet each month to answer any questions you have about using the Method, share successes & resources, and navigate obstacles as you learn and build up your confidence. This is one of the most valuable elements, with over 18 hours of high-level mentoring & support. On this call, Level 1 or 2 content can be asked.


Expanded Master List

After years of writing down thoughts and impressions, I’ve created a master list of various ways emotions show up in our lives and the lives of our clients. This list will give you access to several different ways an emotional block can impact a client, allowing you to affect change on a much deeper level within lasting transformation. This is a powerful resource that will amplify your healing work.