
The Truth About Failure


The Truth About Failure Some days we feel like we are propelled forward and then only hours or days later we are back at square one.  Two steps forward…three steps back. We celebrate everything that looks like a win and quietly hide anything that looks like a loss… We have this idea that anything that looks like it is taking us backwards


The Truth About Failure2020-11-24T06:45:31-08:00

Is Your Feasting Healthy?


Is Your Feasting Healthy? Food has always been an integral part of celebration in cultures worldwide.  Feasting has been associated with abundance, harvest and even a sign of favor from the gods. Not too long ago, there was a cyclical and seasonal eating pattern that was based primarily on the growing seasons.  There were times of feasting and times of fasting built


Is Your Feasting Healthy?2020-11-24T06:53:17-08:00

What Does Saying Sorry Too Much Say About You?


What Does Saying Sorry Too Much Say About You? Being able to apologize when you are in the wrong is an important part of being an emotionally healthy person. We need to be able to own our mistakes and things that we have done that have hurt other people, and do our best to make amends. However…there are many people who need


What Does Saying Sorry Too Much Say About You?2020-11-24T06:55:17-08:00

What Are You Looking At?


What are you looking at? When you are learning to drive a car, you realize very quickly that the car will go exactly where you are looking... If you are looking straight down the road, the car will go straight down the road. If you are looking at the ditch, you will end up in the ditch. We are taught that if


What Are You Looking At?2020-11-24T07:07:08-08:00

The Importance Of Living In The Present Moment


The Importance Of Living In The Present Moment We hear a lot of talk about “living in the present moment” …but what exactly does that mean? Too often our fears and anxieties are either dragging us back to the past to rehash old mistakes and traumas… or transporting us to the future with fears of what is to come. Becoming more present


The Importance Of Living In The Present Moment2020-11-24T08:28:12-08:00
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