
What are Your Physical Symptoms Trying to Tell You?


What are Your Physical Symptoms Trying to Tell You? What are your physical symptoms trying to tell you? Did you know that there is a corresponding energetic issue for physical symptoms that you may be experiencing? Although this is not a commonly held belief in Western medicine, it is a foundational component of Chinese medicine. The main emphasis in Chinese medicine is


What are Your Physical Symptoms Trying to Tell You?2020-11-24T07:21:21-08:00

If your life is playing on repeat, do this…


If your life is playing on repeat, do this... Do you find yourself replaying the same old life scenarios over and over again? Do you end up choosing the same type of partners or friendships that result in the same dysfunction or pain? Are you constantly fighting the same issues, fears, addictions and conflicts? Are you seeing patterns in the way your


If your life is playing on repeat, do this…2020-11-24T07:23:04-08:00

Are you tired of outrage?


Are You Tired of Outrage? It is almost impossible to avoid seeing or hearing about something that leaves you feeling a little disheartened at the state of the world. It seems like every day there is a new situation or story that leads to polarizing views and viral uproar on social media or through the news. Through the shouting matches on hot-button


Are you tired of outrage?2020-11-24T07:24:45-08:00

When You Feel Alone


When You Feel Alone Being alone is an interesting state to be in… You can be physically alone and not feel alone, or you can be surrounded by hundreds of people and feel very alone… Solitude is a state of being physically alone.  Solitude can be a very healing and healthy place to be.  This type of loneliness can allow you space


When You Feel Alone2020-11-24T08:15:23-08:00

5 Signs You Need to Work on Your Money Psychology


5 Signs You Need to Work on Your Money Psychology Do you know that one of the biggest factors in your ability to attract money into your life has to do with your money psychology?  What you believe about money can be a stronger determining factor on your level of wealth than your intelligence, education and even your work ethic. Your money


5 Signs You Need to Work on Your Money Psychology2020-11-24T08:17:30-08:00

Remember This When You Are Grieving


Remember This When You Are Grieving In some ways we are all in a place of grieving. Grieving is a regular part of the cycle of life. It is not only death that causes grief. The loss of anything in life needs to be properly acknowledged and space given to grieve its absence. A betrayal...the loss of a close relationship...job or even


Remember This When You Are Grieving2020-11-24T08:31:22-08:00

Embracing the Aging Process


Embracing the Aging Process Our western culture celebrates youth and beauty like it is an accomplishment… We esteem those who fall into the perfect patterns of subjected beauty that we have set up through our media and cultural forms… We create standards of perfection that can only be fully realized through the sterilized and filtered pictures plastered on social media and magazine


Embracing the Aging Process2020-11-24T08:32:44-08:00

Wearing Busyness Like A Badge Of Honor


Wearing Busyness Like A Badge Of Honor The most common answer I receive to my general “How are you?!” greeting is, “Good, but so busy….” This seems to be the default answer to this common greeting from people from all walks of life. Whether you are a mom with small children or working in a corporate office (or both), “busy” has become


Wearing Busyness Like A Badge Of Honor2020-11-24T08:34:12-08:00

Is Your ‘Retail Therapy’ Helping You Or Hurting You?


Is Your ‘Retail Therapy’ Helping You Or Hurting You? We have all heard of the term ‘retail therapy’. It’s the idea that when you are feeling low you should go out and buy yourself something fresh and new and it will help to cheer you up. As the saying goes “When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping”! But is retail


Is Your ‘Retail Therapy’ Helping You Or Hurting You?2020-11-24T08:35:30-08:00

6 Affirmations For Overwhelmed Parents


6 Affirmations For Overwhelmed Parents Whether you currently find yourself in the middle of the toddler years…teen years or somewhere in between, navigating the role of a parent can be fraught with disharmony and conflict when there is a clash of personalities or will. As a parent, you have the best intentions and want to do whatever you can to raise kind,


6 Affirmations For Overwhelmed Parents2020-11-24T08:37:03-08:00
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