Epigenetics for Global Impact™️

We provide training, coaching and counseling in the areas of wellness, energy, spiritual and emotional healing so you can live your best life. Check out our different programs, classes, workshops and presentations to find out what best fits your needs.

Accelerate Life Transformation

“Unlock your full business success potential through the transformative power of healing your DNA expression.  Experience life balance in success, reduced stress, and increased confidence to make aligned decisions, while making more money.”
– Lisa Thomas

Activate Your Inner Healer

“A New Horizon in Transformational Healing”

Epigenetics Masterclass

October 25-26

Success Procrastination Program Screenshots
Success Procrastination Program Screenshots

Up-level your success and the ability to take action in your life. Download this FREE Healing Activation to Clear Success Procrastination.

Have you reached your tipping point?

Through understanding Epigenetics, and the effect of inherited experiences on an individual, we can transform an individual’s success trajectory.

Inherited emotional DNA can present itself through various fears, patterns, and belief systems. These often include fear of success, procrastination, fear of public speaking, anxiety, limiting money beliefs, relationship drama and business stagnation.

Our DNA code that we are born with is unchangeable, like our eye color and height. But within the DNA code is our Epigenetics.

Epigenetics is based on the life experiences of our ancestors. We inherit many of their gifts and talents as well as scarcity, trauma, and negative belief systems. Epigenetics is changeable at any time of your life. Can you imagine what life would look like if you had more confidence and belief in what you can accomplish.

Lisa Thomas [Epigenetics for Global Impact™],  creator of the Soul Awakening Method™, empowers thousands worldwide; tapping into their Epigenetics and healing past wounds. She helps individuals transform their lives by releasing inherited fears, unlocking health, wealth, and desired relationships, and helps high achieving individuals expand personal growth for global impact. Author of the enlightening book “Mistakes Into Money,” Lisa’s influence is recognized globally in the media, podcasts, and more.

We, Epigenetics for Global Impact™,  provide training, coaching and counseling in the areas of wellness, energy, spiritual and emotional healing so you can live your best life. Check out our different programs, classes, workshops and presentations to find out what best fits your needs.

Featured On

Good Morning LaLaLand Logo
Inspired Conversations With Amy Shuber
Allie & You Logo
Spirit, Purpose & Energy with JJ Flizanes

Success is taking an average life and making it extraordinary!


Let me help you release the blocks that are holding you back from achieving the level of success you want in your business.


Let me help you release the blocks that are holding you back from realizing your life’s vision.


Let me help you achieve your life’s purpose while growing your healing business.

Transformation Programs To Help You
Live Your Purpose, With Abundance & Joy!


Money Acceleration Series



Fear Into

Discover all Programs for Transformation

The cover of "Mistakes Into Money" book by Lisa Thomas

Turn Your Worst Mistakes Into
Your Greatest Opportunity

Mistakes Into Money

Turn Your Worst Mistakes Into Your Greatest Opportunity

Mistakes Into Money

Mistakes Into Money by Lisa Thomas book cover
Soul Awakening Method Certification Badge

Soul Awakening Program

Learn more about getting certified in the “Lisa Thomas Energy Healing Soul Awakening Method.”

We provide you with the education and training you need to hone your skills and get certified in our method in the areas of wellness, as well as spiritual, emotional and energy healing.

After you are certified, so long as you are compliant with our requirements, then you will be entitled to license our program materials for your use with third parties.

Client Success Stories

“Lisa is amazingly gifted and she knows how to use her gifts to help people heal and experience life like never before. She can release blockages that are keeping you from reaching your full potential. Please allow her to work with you and you will be forever grateful.”

Linda Law Potts

David Marsh

Lisa is one of the most powerful healers I know. If you are ready to let go of your past and have a dramatic shift forward in all areas of your life, reach out to Lisa Thomas. I highly recommend her.”

Allison Maslan

“Had been chipping away at an inherited impasse for frustrating years. I could see it clearly but not until a session with Lisa did it resolve at the root! Walked away feeling like an old worn coat was gone from my shoulders. More solidly me. An incredible feeling of clarity. This & so much more! Warm & wonderful, Lisa is a gift to living whole!”

Allison Spencer