We can get so wrapped up in the next level we want out of life that it’s easy to forget all the successes and wins we’ve already accomplished.
This is a perspective that is far too often ignored in a world obsessed with never-ending achievements.
While achieving empowering progress with your goals, you must honor yourself by slowing down to acknowledging your accomplishments, and even allowing yourself to come to a complete stop.
Because if all you focus on is the ever-increasing speed of getting what you truly want out of life, you can find yourself whizzing by the wins you desire by never truly embracing and receiving the divine glow of your personal growth.
I want to guide you through a few of the challenging patterns that can arise when you choose to go slow:
1: The lie of what you already did still isn’t “enough”
This ties directly into how society at large is always pushing you for more. There’s always another level to achieve in your health, wealth, relationships, or spirituality.
Unfortunately, this never-enough pursuit can leave you in a constant state of starvation and hunger. Because you’re never able to allow your wins of the past to satisfy and nourish you.
2: A challenging response that comes from choosing to slow down often triggers motivated people to feel that they are wasting time, or that they will miss out on missed opportunities.
A highly motivated person will feel that slowing down will cause others to question them and their commitment to growth. They can feel the pressure of others judging them for not relentlessly pursuing the next goal with no time to reflect.
What’s even more prevalent is the internal judgment of the self when we are not consistently being productive with our to-do lists.
But we must come to understand that when we acknowledge what we have accomplished, we ACCEPT our wins by acknowledging our progress. The deep acceptance through taking the time to slow down and reflect becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of continued success that feeds our motivation.
3: Every win you achieve can be a doorway to healing
This is one of the most overlooked aspects of choosing to slow down and spend time in reflection of gratitude for your wins in life.
Because so many of us carry limiting inherited patterns around feeling “good enough” or “worthy”. Slowing down to fully receive your accomplishments can assist in healing those patterns.
By honoring yourself in these slow down moments of extreme gratitude, you allow your win to truly become a part of your cellular being, to let it course through your veins with victory, and to take those moments and fully realize how much you’ve earned your win.
Do yourself a favor and embrace a powerful guided visualization that will create a mental reset and a cellular upgrade to how you experience life and bless yourself with the gift of slowing down right now!
What is shared
💗 Find out how to break from society’s standard that is always pushing you for more.
💗 Learn how to accept wins by acknowledging your personal progress.
💗 Learn how to honor your accomplishments by knowing how to slow down
💗 Experience a powerful guided visualization that will create a mental reset and a cellular upgrade to how you experience life and bless yourself with the gift of slowing down right now!