
The Truth About Failure


The Truth About Failure Some days we feel like we are propelled forward and then only hours or days later we are back at square one.  Two steps forward…three steps back. We celebrate everything that looks like a win and quietly hide anything that looks like a loss… We have this idea that anything that looks like it is taking us backwards


The Truth About Failure2020-11-24T06:45:31-08:00

Is Your Feasting Healthy?


Is Your Feasting Healthy? Food has always been an integral part of celebration in cultures worldwide.  Feasting has been associated with abundance, harvest and even a sign of favor from the gods. Not too long ago, there was a cyclical and seasonal eating pattern that was based primarily on the growing seasons.  There were times of feasting and times of fasting built


Is Your Feasting Healthy?2020-11-24T06:53:17-08:00

Are you a Master of Distraction?


Are you a Master of Distraction? The ability to multitask was once touted as a very positive attribute, but studies are now saying that multitasking is not just inefficient…it could be harming your health. Do you run around all day long from one thing to another but feel like you haven’t accomplished what you need to at the end of the day?


Are you a Master of Distraction?2020-11-24T08:24:47-08:00
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