
5 Things To Tell Yourself When You Don’t Love Your Body


5 Things To Tell Yourself When You Don’t Love Your Body Have you ever noticed that food and “perfect” bodies are the two images we are exposed to most within our media’s manufactured scenes of happiness and fulfillment? Happy families chowing down on burgers and fries, pizza and birthday cake.  Idyllic holiday scenes with turkey, stuffing and all the pie you could


5 Things To Tell Yourself When You Don’t Love Your Body2020-11-20T12:30:31-08:00

6 Truths to Increase Your Confidence and Embrace Authenticity


6 Truths to Increase Your Confidence and Embrace Authenticity One of the worst feelings in the world is to feel like you’re ‘not enough’. This feeling of inadequacy is most often the root feeling of those who are stuck in the stagnant energy of depression or the chaotic energy of anxiety.    After all, if you feel like you don’t belong, don’t


6 Truths to Increase Your Confidence and Embrace Authenticity2020-11-20T12:23:00-08:00

5 Ways To Attract More Money


5 Ways To Attract More Money It can sometimes feel like only ‘other people’ have it easy, or money flows to them without much effort. Believe it or not this is a limiting belief. We all have the ability to attract and have abundance in our lives. In fact, the story that you tell yourself, such as ‘I’ll never have enough money


5 Ways To Attract More Money2020-11-20T12:16:16-08:00
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