
Are You Striving or Thriving?


Are You Striving or Thriving? I love to see the people I am working with begin to understand the innate power that exists within them to manifest their reality. When someone goes from attracting their life circumstances by chance to understanding that they can attract their life circumstances by design, their life often begins to move forward in a positive direction. When


Are You Striving or Thriving?2020-11-24T08:20:46-08:00

Are you experiencing download overload?


Are You Experiencing Download Overload? We have never before in human history lived at a time where we have so much instant access to information. We have the ability to plug in and find the answer to just about any question you can think of. There are endless podcasts, blogs, news outlets, gossip columns, business groups, self-improvement resources, books and short tutorials


Are you experiencing download overload?2020-11-24T08:22:21-08:00

The Importance Of Living In The Present Moment


The Importance Of Living In The Present Moment We hear a lot of talk about “living in the present moment” …but what exactly does that mean? Too often our fears and anxieties are either dragging us back to the past to rehash old mistakes and traumas… or transporting us to the future with fears of what is to come. Becoming more present


The Importance Of Living In The Present Moment2020-11-24T08:28:12-08:00

Is It Time To Turn The Page?


Is It Time To Turn The Page? As human beings we seem to have an innate fear of change. We like our routines and the security that comes with a steady paycheck, fixed address and predictable schedule. These are all good things and blessings that we need to give thanks for as they are not realities for a large portion of the


Is It Time To Turn The Page?2023-06-12T09:28:23-07:00

5 Affirmations To Disarm Your Phobias


5 Affirmations To Disarm Your Phobias Phobias are strange things, aren’t they? From spiders… to clowns… to flying in planes… they are very individualized, and the sufferer may not even know why the phobia exists. There is often no history of trauma regarding the item or situation in question and while some phobias can be mildly annoying, others can have a very


5 Affirmations To Disarm Your Phobias2020-11-20T17:37:29-08:00

Transform A Negative Environment With These 5 Affirmations


Transform A Negative Environment With These 5 Affirmations I’m sure you’ve heard the question “Are you a glass-half-full or a glass half empty kind of person?” The interesting thing about this question is…if you are a ‘glass half empty’ person, you probably are unlikely to admit to anyone…even yourself. Nobody likes to think of themselves as a ‘negative’ person because it’s socially


Transform A Negative Environment With These 5 Affirmations2020-11-20T17:21:18-08:00

When Forgiveness is Hard


When Forgiveness is Hard When you have been through something traumatic involving another person wronging you, the range of emotions including denial, anger, sadness, depression, rage and even paralysis can be overwhelming and exhausting. The loss of trust and the feelings of betrayal seem to hang in the air and continue to sabotage joy and peace long after the actual offense or


When Forgiveness is Hard2020-11-20T17:20:07-08:00

7 Affirmations To Declare When Your Fears Are Sabotaging Your Success


7 Affirmations To Declare When Your Fears Are Sabotaging Your Success You’ve set your goals, done your homework and are ready to launch into success! You know your stuff… You have the right tools… You have a solid plan in place… …but for some reason, you just can’t seem to push the start button. You didn't make the call that needed to


7 Affirmations To Declare When Your Fears Are Sabotaging Your Success2020-11-20T17:19:18-08:00
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